学术报告--Prof.Dr. Taco Dirk Visser

报告题目:Berry’s phaseand Surface Plasmons

报告人:Prof.Dr. Taco Dirk Visser                 



摘要:We normally think ofthe phase of a system as something that depends only on time: the dynamicphase. However, there is also anotherphase that depends onhow a system hastraveled: the geometric phase. The most famous example of such a geometricphase is Berry’s phase that occurs in quantum systems. In general a system’stotal phase will be the sum of a dynamic phase plus a geometric phase. In thistalk I will present several examples of geometric phases and discuss theirphysical meaning.Surfaceplasmons (SPs) are electromagnetic waves that propagate along the interface ofa metal and a dielectric medium. They play an ever-growing role in nano-optics.In so-called plasmonic structures, light is converted into SPs which are turnedback into light again. In order to apply SPs, it is important to understandtheir phase behavior. We have therefore examined whether geometric phases playa role in plasmonics. I will discuss a recent experiment in which it wasdemonstrated that a) SPs can carry a geometric Pancharatnam-Berry phase, and b)that this phase survives the light → SP → light process. 

个人简介:Taco Dirk Visser现任荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学教授和美国罗切斯特大学教授。主要从事相干光学、奇点光学、微纳光学等方面的研究工作,研究领域包括表面等离子体的产生及其在纳米尺度下的调控、亚波长的近场光学和奇异光学、电磁波的相干性与光场的衍射和散射特性、结构光场的聚焦以及偏振效应等,是《Progress in Optics》主编,在Physical ReviewLetters、Physical Review A、Optics Letters、Optics Express等国际著名学术期刊发表学术论文过百篇,其中多篇论文由国际光学工程学会里程碑系列著作(SPIE MilestoneSeries books)报道,研究工作多次入选美国光学学会期刊《OPN》的亮点文章,并多次被各大名刊评为最热点论文。   






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